Monday, 31 August 2009

douglas coupland

Coupland's house is incredibbbble.

more photos HERE. I'm not tidy enough to have a house devoid of general clutter, but I can still envy.

x x x

Wednesday, 26 August 2009

the book club

I'm in the first stages of planning a clubnight. The first stages being getting giddy and thinking about how fun it'd be. I want it to be called the book club and loosely have a bookshop/library theme (geek)...people will be stamped with a date stamp upon arrival and the music will be "influenced by literature or books" haha so basically anything with words. I also would like to wear animal costumes but that might be asking too much of your average punter.

I'm excited about possible flyer designs. To start with I was thinking of making it like a vintage puffin bookcover with orange stripes and have the bands in some really cheesy font in the middle. But now I'm thinkin that I'd like to encorporate some kind of totoro inspired character eating books. This is cute...

oui xx

Sunday, 16 August 2009

everybody wants to go to Japan

everybody just hold hands

I wanna go back. Please.

x x x x x

Tuesday, 11 August 2009

bigger better cuter

I'm feeling very inspired by these felt instruments. I'm going to think bigger, and sew bigger.

I'm currently embarking on a VERY exciting project involving puppets of animals. Watch this space. Eeeee!

x x x x


buttons buttons buttons

vintage buttons on card look SO GOOD. I love them SO MUCH.

x x x x

Monday, 3 August 2009

miranda july

Miranda July doesn't seem to post much on the internet at the moment, but I'm going to assume that she's a busy little worker-bee. I hope she writes more books, I really loved no-one belongs here more than you.

And this film is so cute

hmmm you might want to watch it on the actual site because my page cuts off the edge. oh and ignore the advert at the beginning, I keep thinking I've accidentally posted flight of the concords but I haven't.




I want this wallpaper more than anything in the world (ok. I exaggerated but I like it).

It's from

Yet another person whose life I envy after peering in regularly via their blog. What a funny world it is.